Parents Corner

2024-2025 Holiday Schedule

Parent Reminders

  1. No prorations in child care payments for holidays, absences, vacations or early withdrawal when students leave in August to attend public school. Parents pay full month's tuition for any month in which the student may be leaving.

  2. Please do not send sippy cups to school. Send drinks in disposable containers or a plastic thermos with your child’s lunch kit.

  3. Do not park in the driveway between 7:15-8:15 & 4:45-5:45. Please park in the parking spaces and come inside.

  4. No lunch kits in the refrigerator. Please place ice packs in your child’s lunch to keep it cool until it needs to be warmed.

Special Programs

Brazos Valley Gymnastics

Longmire Learning Center. in conjunction with Brazos Valley Gymnastics offers a program that will assist your child in developing the balance and coordination skills necessary for future success in a variety of sport activities. Classes are taught in a structured and organized manner and are designed to be fun while learning good gymnastics skills and overall physical fitness. Classes are held on Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:15 am at Brazos Valley Gymnastics. LLC trans ports the children to and from class and a staff member stays with them at all times. The cost is $47.00 per month payable to Brazos Valley Gymnastics.


Kindermusik classes are held once a week at Longmire Learning Center. There is a fee payable directly to Kindermusik and limited space is available. Each 30 minute class provides live music and movement, fun multisensory learning, instrument play, stories, singing and dancing! For more information visit Kindermusik.

Teams of Tomorrow

The TOT program is designed to teach your child athletics, academics, and agility. The classes are focused around improving your child’s physical and mental growth through movement and music. TOT uses the perfect mixture of physical movement, hand eye coordination, and brain use to maximize the growth of your preschooler. Visit the Teams of Tomorrow website for more information.

Show and Tell Fridays

Each child is encouraged to choose one object to share with other children. No items that encourage violence should be sent (toy guns, swords, figurines which represent violent programs on TV). Show and Tell items need to be placed in a grocery bag labeled with your child’s name. Books, movies, and tapes may be sent anytime!

February Newsletter

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